diff --git a/src/posts/2022-07-04-managing-kubernetes-without-loosing-your-cool.md b/src/posts/2022-07-04-managing-kubernetes-without-loosing-your-cool.md index 8e0d2b5..483ac1c 100644 --- a/src/posts/2022-07-04-managing-kubernetes-without-loosing-your-cool.md +++ b/src/posts/2022-07-04-managing-kubernetes-without-loosing-your-cool.md @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ If you want to get started with some `kubectl` plugins you can take a look at th * [outdated](https://github.com/replicatedhq/outdated) - Find containers with outdated images * [gs](https://github.com/giantswarm/kubectl-gs) - Giant Swarm’s plugin for working with our managed clusters -## #6 - `kshell` / `kubcetl debug` +## #6 - `kshell` / `kubectl debug` There are many times where I need to launch a temporary pod in a cluster to aid with debugging, usually related to networking issues. To help with this I have a handy Bash alias to easily launch a temporary pod and drop me right into its shell.