.DEFAULT_GOAL := default IMAGE ?= rg.fr-par.scw.cloud/averagemarcus/devstats-viewer:latest export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled .PHONY: build # Build the project build: lint check-format fetch-deps @go build -o kube-image-prefetch main.go .PHONY: docker-build # Build the docker image docker-build: @docker build -t $(IMAGE) . .PHONY: docker-publish # Push the docker image to the remote registry docker-publish: @docker push $(IMAGE) .PHONY: release # Release the latest version of the application release: kubectl --namespace devstats-viewer set image deployment devstats-viewer web=rg.fr-par.scw.cloud/averagemarcus/devstats-viewer:$(SHA) .PHONY: run # Run the web server (relies on npx being available) run: npx http-server ./src .PHONY: help # Show this list of commands help: @echo "kube-image-prefetch" @echo "Usage: make [target]" @echo "" @echo "target description" | expand -t20 @echo "-----------------------------------" @grep '^.PHONY: .* #' Makefile | sed 's/\.PHONY: \(.*\) # \(.*\)/\1 \2/' | expand -t20 default: test