# dir2opds - serve books from a directory dir2opds inspect the given folder and serve an opds 1.1 compliant server # Overview There are good options to server books using opds. Calibre is good doing that but if your server is headless sometimes install calibre just for serve the books don't seems to be the best option. That is why calibre2opds exists, but if you just have too many books and you don't want to create a calibre library. In that case dir2opds could help you to have an opds server from a directory if you follow one rule: - A folder should have only folders or only files (aka books). It is ok to have sub-folders. # Installation go get github.com/dubyte/dir2opds # Usage dir2opds -dir ./books -port 8080 # Tested in: - Moon+ reader # More information http://opds-spec.org