#!/usr/bin/env bash source .utils NAMESPACE="$(kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}' &>/dev/null)" set -e NAMESPACE=${NAMESPACE:-default} HOST_PORT=10001 print_usage() { blue "kube-forward-all - create port-forwards for all pods in the given namespace" echo " " underline "Usage:" echo "kube-forward-all [options]" echo " " underline "Options:" echo "-h, --help show this help text" echo "-n, --namespace the namespace to launch the pod in" echo "-p, --port the port to start at (and increment from for each service) (default: 10001)" } while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -n|--namespace) shift NAMESPACE=$1 shift ;; -p|--port) shift HOST_PORT=$1 shift ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; *) break ;; esac done # Get all services first IFS=$'\n' SERVICES=( $(kubectl get service --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --no-headers -o json | jq '[.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations."kube-forward" != "false")] | (.[] | .metadata.name + "\t" + ([.spec.ports[].port] | join(",")))' -r | column -t) ) unset IFS # Track the port-forwards we need to clean up TO_KILL=() cleanup() { echo "\nClosing connections..." for pid in "${TO_KILL[@]}" do (kill -2 $pid) &> /dev/null done trap - INT TERM } trap 'cleanup' INT TERM echo "Forwarding..." for s in "${SERVICES[@]}" do SERVICE=( $(echo $s) ) NAME=${SERVICE[0]} PORT=${SERVICE[1]} PORTS=($(echo $PORT | tr "," "\n")) for PORT in "${PORTS[@]}" do (kubectl port-forward --namespace ${NAMESPACE} svc/$NAME $HOST_PORT:$PORT &>/dev/null) & BG_PID=$! if `curl -s -o /dev/null --retry 5 --retry-delay 0 --retry-connrefused -m 3 http://localhost:$HOST_PORT` then echo "\e[1m$NAME:$PORT\e[0m ➡ \e[34mhttp://localhost:$HOST_PORT\e[0m" TO_KILL+=($BG_PID) ((HOST_PORT=HOST_PORT+1)) else (kill -2 $BG_PID) &> /dev/null fi done done echo "\n\e[2m(Use [Ctl + C] to exit)" cat cleanup