#!/usr/bin/env bash source .utils TEMPLATE="giantswarm/template-app" VISIBILITY="public" CODEOWNER_TEAM="team-hydra" print_usage() { orange "gs-create-repo - a new Giant Swarm repo" echo " " underline "Usage:" echo "gs-create-repo (flags) [repo-name]" echo " " echo " " underline "Options:" echo "-h, --help show this help text" echo "-t, --template the template repo to base the new repo on (default: ${TEMPLATE})" echo " --team the team to be set as codeowner of the repo (default: ${CODEOWNER_TEAM})" echo " --visibility the visibility of the repo (default: ${VISIBILITY}" } POS_ARGS=() while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -t|--template) shift TEMPLATE=$1 shift ;; -p|--private) shift PRIVATE="--private" ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; *) POS_ARGS+=${1} shift ;; esac done case $TEMPLATE in */*) shift ;; *) TEMPLATE="giantswarm/${TEMPLATE}" ;; esac REPOSITORY_NAME=${POS_ARGS[0]} ############################################# echo "✨ Creating new repo $(italic ${VISIBILITY}) $(orange ${REPOSITORY_NAME}) using base template $(blue ${TEMPLATE})" gh repo create --${VISIBILITY} --template ${TEMPLATE} giantswarm/${REPOSITORY_NAME} if [ -d helm/APP-NAME ]; then mv 'helm/{APP-NAME}' helm/${REPOSITORY_NAME} fi devctl replace -i '{APP-NAME}' ${REPOSITORY_NAME} --ignore .git ./.** ./** # Clean up some stuff sed -i 's|\[Read me after cloning this template (GS staff only)\](https://intranet.giantswarm.io/docs/dev-and-releng/app-developer-processes/adding_app_to_appcatalog/)||g' README.md sed -i 's|- {APP HELM REPOSITORY}||g' README.md sed -i '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D' README.md sed -i 's/- .*//' CHANGELOG.md sed -i '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D' CHANGELOG.md printf "Run Kubebuilder init? (y/n): " read CONFIRM if [ "${CONFIRM}" = "y" ]; then mv helm .helm kubebuilder init --domain giantswarm.io --repo github.com/giantswarm/${REPOSITORY_NAME} --plugins=go/v4-alpha mv .helm helm mv Makefile Makefile.kubebuilder.mk go mod tidy fi devctl gen workflows --flavour app --flavour generic --check-secrets devctl gen makefile --flavour app --flavour generic --language go touch Makefile.custom.mk printf "Update Circle-CI job? (y/n): " read CONFIRM if [ "${CONFIRM}" = "y" ]; then cat << EOF > .circleci/config.yml version: 2.1 orbs: architect: giantswarm/architect@4.24.0 workflows: test-and-push: jobs: - architect/go-build: context: architect name: go-build binary: ${REPOSITORY_NAME} resource_class: xlarge filters: tags: only: /^v.*/ - architect/push-to-docker: context: architect name: push-${REPOSITORY_NAME}-to-quay image: "quay.io/giantswarm/${REPOSITORY_NAME}" username_envar: "QUAY_USERNAME" password_envar: "QUAY_PASSWORD" requires: - go-build filters: # Trigger the job also on git tag. tags: only: /^v.*/ - architect/push-to-docker: context: "architect" name: push-${REPOSITORY_NAME}-to-docker image: "docker.io/giantswarm/${REPOSITORY_NAME}" username_envar: "DOCKER_USERNAME" password_envar: "DOCKER_PASSWORD" requires: - go-build # Needed to trigger job also on git tag. filters: tags: only: /^v.*/ k # Ensure that for every commit # there is an app version in the test catalog. - architect/push-to-app-catalog: context: architect name: push-to-app-catalog app_catalog: "control-plane-catalog" app_catalog_test: "control-plane-test-catalog" chart: "${REPOSITORY_NAME}" requires: - push-${REPOSITORY_NAME}-to-quay - push-${REPOSITORY_NAME}-to-docker filters: # Trigger the job also on git tag. tags: only: /^v.*/ - architect/push-to-app-collection: context: architect name: push-to-gcp-app-collection app_name: "${REPOSITORY_NAME}" app_collection_repo: "gcp-app-collection" requires: - push-to-app-catalog filters: branches: ignore: /.*/ tags: only: /^v.*/ EOF fi git add -A git commit -m "Initial repo scaffold and setup" git push devctl repo setup giantswarm/${REPOSITORY_NAME} \ --allow-automerge=true --allow-mergecommit=false --allow-rebasemerge=false \ --allow-squashmerge=true --allow-updatebranch=true --delete-branch-on-merge=true \ --enable-issues=true --enable-projects=false --enable-wiki=false echo "🎉 New repo $(orange ${REPOSITORY_NAME}) created! - https://github.com/giantswarm/${REPOSITORY_NAME}" echo "⚡️ Adding reference to $(orange ${REPOSITORY_NAME}) in giantswarm/github" git take git@github.com:giantswarm/github.git git main yq -i '. += {"name": "'${REPOSITORY_NAME}'", "gen": {"flavour": "app,generic", "language": "go"}, "replace": {"architect-orb": true, "renovate": true}} | sort_by(.name)' repositories/${CODEOWNER_TEAM}.yaml git add repositories/${CODEOWNER_TEAM}.yaml git commit -m "Added ${REPOSITORY_NAME} to ${CODEOWNER_TEAM} repos" git push cd -