#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e NAMESPACE="$(kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}')" NAMESPACE=${NAMESPACE:-default} POD="kube-ssh" NODE="" print_usage() { echo "kube-ssh - gain access to a Kubernetes host node (ssh-like for when a host doesn't have ssh)" echo " " echo "kube-ssh [options]" echo " " echo "Options:" echo "-h, --help show this help text" echo "-n, --namespace the namespace to launch the pod in" echo "-p, --pod the name of the pod to launch (default: kube-ssh)" echo "-N, --node the name of the node to access" } while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -n|--namespace) shift NAMESPACE=$1 shift ;; -p|--pod) shift POD=$1 shift ;; -N|--node) shift NODE=$1 shift ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; *) break ;; esac done if [[ "$NODE" == "" ]]; then NODES=$(kubectl get nodes --no-headers -o custom-columns=name:.metadata.name) if [ -z "$(which fzf)" ]; then i=0 while read -r node; do echo "[$i] - $node" i=$((i+1)) done <<< "$NODES" read -p "Which node would you like to connect to? " -r echo "" IFS=$'\n' NODES=($NODES) NODE=${NODES[$REPLY]} else NODE=$(echo "$NODES" | fzf) fi fi NODE_NAME=$(kubectl get node $NODE -o template --template='{{index .metadata.labels "kubernetes.io/hostname"}}') NODE_SELECTOR='"nodeSelector": { "kubernetes.io/hostname": "'${NODE_NAME}'" },' kubectl run --namespace ${NAMESPACE} $POD --restart=Never -it --rm --image overriden --overrides ' { "spec": { "hostPID": true, "hostNetwork": true, '"${NODE_SELECTOR}"' "tolerations": [{ "operator": "Exists" }], "containers": [ { "name": "kube-ssh", "image": "averagemarcus/kube-ssh:latest", "stdin": true, "tty": true, "securityContext": { "privileged": true } } ] } }' --attach