#!/usr/bin/env bash NAMESPACE="" set -e print_usage() { echo "kube-template - Quickly template up kubernetes resources" echo " " echo "kube-template [options] RESOURCE_KIND NAME [extra arguments]" echo " " echo "Options:" echo "-h, --help show this help text" echo "-n, --namespace the namespace the to search in" } while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -n|--namespace) shift NAMESPACE="--namespace $1" shift ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; *) break ;; esac done NAME=${2} addLabelsAndAnnotations() { yq e '.metadata.labels."app.kubernetes.io/name" = "'${NAME}'" | .metadata.labels."giantswarm.io/user" = "'$(whoami)'" | .metadata.annotations."giantswarm.io/description" = ""' - } case "$1" in deployment|dp) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} deployment ${NAME} --image=nginx:1.21 --dry-run=client -o yaml ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; ingress|in) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} ingress ${NAME} --dry-run=client -o yaml --rule=example.com/=my-service:web ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; service|svc) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} service clusterip ${NAME} --dry-run=client -o yaml ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; configmap|cm) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} configmap ${NAME} --dry-run=client -o yaml ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; secret|sec) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} secret generic ${NAME} --dry-run=client -o yaml ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; cronjob|cj) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} cronjob ${NAME} --image=alpine:latest --schedule="1 * * * *" --dry-run=client -o yaml ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; job|jo) kubectl create ${NAMESPACE} job ${NAME} --image=alpine:latest --dry-run=client -o yaml ${@:3} | addLabelsAndAnnotations ;; esac