#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e NAMESPACE="$(kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}')" NAMESPACE=${NAMESPACE:-default} print_usage() { echo "kube-force-delete - Force delete resources, even those with finalizers" echo " " echo "kube-force-delete [RESOURCE_TYPE] [RESOURCE_NAME]" echo " " echo "Options:" echo "-h, --help show this help text" echo "-n, --namespace the namespace the resource is in (default: current namespace)" } POS_ARGS=() while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in -n|--namespace) shift NAMESPACE=$1 shift ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; /) # We want to ignore slash seperators between resource types and names shift ;; *) POS_ARGS+=(`echo $1 | tr '/' ' '`) shift ;; esac done if [ ${#POS_ARGS[@]} -lt 2 ]; then echo "Please provide the resource type and name to delete" exit 1 fi printf "⚠️ This could leave cloud resources undeleted if finalizers aren't honoured. ⚠️\n" printf "Are you sure you want to delete ${POS_ARGS[0]}/${POS_ARGS[1]}? (y/n): " read CONFIRM if [ "${CONFIRM}" = "y" ]; then echo "💣 OK, I hope you know what you're doing..." kubectl patch -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' --type=merge -n ${NAMESPACE} ${POS_ARGS[@]} kubectl delete -n ${NAMESPACE} ${POS_ARGS[@]} else echo "Aborting..." exit 1 fi