
44 lines
2.0 KiB

SHELL := bash
.PHONY: Install
install: pre-reqs dotfiles ## Installs all dotfiles and associated.
.PHONY: pre-reqs
pre-reqs: ## Install all required binaries.
which brew > /dev/null || bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"; \
[ -d ~/.oh-my-zsh ] || sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"; \
brew list --cask homebrew/cask-fonts/font-open-dyslexic-nerd-font > /dev/null || brew install homebrew/cask-fonts/font-open-dyslexic-nerd-font; \
which fzf > /dev/null || brew install fzf; \
which bat > /dev/null || brew install bat; \
which curlie > /dev/null || brew install rs/tap/curlie; \
which exa > /dev/null || brew install exa; \
which kubectl > /dev/null || brew install kubectl; \
which tkn > /dev/null || brew install tektoncd/tools/tektoncd-cli; \
which k9s > /dev/null || brew install k9s; \
which helm > /dev/null || brew install helm; \
which go > /dev/null || brew install go; \
which jq > /dev/null || brew install jq; \
which kind > /dev/null || brew install kind; \
which kubectx > /dev/null || brew install kubectx; \
which tldr > /dev/null || brew install tldr; \
which progress > /dev/null || brew install progress; \
which htop > /dev/null || brew install htop; \
which starship > /dev/null || brew install starship
.PHONY: dotfiles
dotfiles: ## Installs the dotfiles.
for file in $(shell find $(CURDIR) -name ".*" -not -name ".gitignore" -not -name ".git" -not -name ".config" -not -name ".github" -not -name ".*.swp" -not -name ".gnupg"); do \
f=$$(basename $$file); \
ln -sfn $$file $(HOME)/$$f; \
done; \
mkdir -p $(HOME)/.additional_dotfiles; touch $(HOME)/.additional_dotfiles/credentials; \
mkdir -p $(HOME)/.config; \
for file in $(shell find $(CURDIR)/.config -type f); do \
f=$$(basename $$file); \
ln -sfn $$file $(HOME)/.config/$$f; \
.PHONY: help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'