diff --git a/sync.sh b/sync.sh index 10a4890..2b4a604 100755 --- a/sync.sh +++ b/sync.sh @@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ GITEA_TOKEN=${GITEA_TOKEN:?is not set} GITHUB_TOKEN=${GITHUB_TOKEN:?is not set} BITBUCKET_TOKEN=${BITBUCKET_TOKEN:?is not set} GITLAB_TOKEN=${GITLAB_TOKEN:?is not set} +CODEBERG_TOKEN=${CODEBERG_TOKEN:?is not set} GITEA_BASE="https://averagemarcus:${GITEA_TOKEN}@git.cluster.fun/AverageMarcus/" GITHUB_BASE="https://averagemarcus:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/AverageMarcus/" BITBUCKET_BASE="https://averagemarcus:${BITBUCKET_TOKEN}@bitbucket.org/AverageMarcus/" GITLAB_BASE="https://averagemarcus:${GITLAB_TOKEN}@gitlab.com/AverageMarcus/" +CODEBERG_BASE="https://averagemarcus:${CODEBERG_TOKEN}@codeberg.org/AverageMarcus/" REPOS=$(curl -X GET "https://git.cluster.fun/api/v1/user/repos?page=1&limit=50&access_token=${GITEA_TOKEN}" -H "accept: application/json" --silent | jq -r '.[] | select(.private!=true) | .name') @@ -46,6 +48,16 @@ gitlabMakeRepo() { curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" --header "Content-Type: application/json" "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/protected_branches?name=main&push_access_level=40&merge_access_level=40&allow_force_push=true" } +codebergGetRepo() { + curl -f -X GET "https://codeberg.org/api/v1/repos/averagemarcus/${1}?access_token=${CODEBERG_TOKEN}" -H 'accept: application/json' --silent 1> /dev/null +} +codebergMakeRepo() { + echo "Creating codeberg repo" + curl -X POST "https://codeberg.org/api/v1/user/repos?access_token=${CODEBERG_TOKEN}" \ + -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'accept: application/json' \ + -d '{"auto_init": false, "private": false, "name": "'${1}'"}' --silent 1> /dev/null +} + for REPO in ${REPOS}; do printf "\n🔄 Syncing ${REPO}\n\n" @@ -60,6 +72,7 @@ for REPO in ${REPOS}; do git remote add github "${GITHUB_BASE}${REPO}" 1> /dev/null git remote add bitbucket "${BITBUCKET_BASE}${REPO}" 1> /dev/null git remote add gitlab "${GITLAB_BASE}$(echo ${REPO} |tr "." "-")" 1> /dev/null + git remote add codeberg "${CODEBERG_BASE}${REPO}" 1> /dev/null failed() { printf "\n⚠️ Failed to sync ${REPO} to ${1}\n\n" @@ -71,15 +84,18 @@ for REPO in ${REPOS}; do githubGetRepo ${REPO} || githubMakeRepo ${REPO} gitlabGetRepo ${REPO} || gitlabMakeRepo ${REPO} bitbucketGetRepo ${REPO} || bitbucketMakeRepo ${REPO} + codebergGetRepo ${REPO} || codebergMakeRepo ${REPO} git pull --ff-only gitea ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || { failed; continue; } git pull --ff-only github ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || printf "\nℹ️ Unable to pull from GitHub\n\n" git pull --ff-only bitbucket ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || printf "\nℹ️ Unable to pull from BitBucket\n\n" git pull --ff-only gitlab ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || printf "\nℹ️ Unable to pull from Gitlab\n\n" + git pull --ff-only codeberg ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || printf "\nℹ️ Unable to pull from Codeberg\n\n" git push -f --set-upstream github ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || { failed "github"; } git push -f --set-upstream bitbucket ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || { failed "bitbucket"; } git push -f --set-upstream gitlab ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || { failed "gitlab"; } + git push -f --set-upstream codeberg ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || { failed "codeberg"; } git push --set-upstream gitea ${BRANCH} 1> /dev/null || { failed "gitea"; } cd ..