Hi 👋, I'm Marcus
Pronounced: /ˈmɑːkəs/ ⚡️ Pronouns: He/Him/His
{{ .intro | html }}
🌐 Find me around the web
| {{ range .social }}{{ .name | html }} | {{ end }}
💻 My Open Source Projects
All my Open Source projects can be found on my GitHub profile (as well as my personal Gitea instance, GitLab, Codeberg and BitBucket).
Below are a selection of highlights.
{{ range .projects }} [{{ .name }}]({{ .url }}) - {{ .description }} [{{ join .languages "name" ", " }}] {{ end }}
🗓 Upcoming Events
{{ range .events }}
{{ .humanDate }}
[{{.eventName}}]({{ .url }})
{{ .name | html }}{{ if .type }} - {{ .type }}{{ end}}
{{ end }} ✨✨✨ {{- end }}