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post.html Automating the everyday 2022-04-22 Automation IoT SmartTech

It wont come as a surprise to those that know me well, or have worked with me for any reasonable amount of time, but I'm very keen on automation. I hate the tediumness of repetitive, simple tasks and value my time too highly to waste it.

Automation makes up a large portion of my working life. Building applications and tools to achieve a goal, but also beyond that. It's a fairly common occurence that I say to a collegue on Slack "Oh, I have a script for that!" when they ask how to do something that is tedius and repetitive, just take a look at my dotfiles for examples.

But I don't want to talk about that today, instead I'm going to talk about how I automate my everyday life, outside of work.

I've mentioned some of the automation I have before on Twitter and it's gathered a bit of interest to learn more.

Before we get into the details, lets start of with looking at what a typical day looks like.