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layout: post.html
title: "Updating Ghost to use Truncatise"
date: 2013-11-10
tags: nodejs node npm javascript truncatise ghost
summary: "Today I finally got around to modifying my <a href='' target='_blank'>Ghost</a> blog to make use of my new Node Module <a href='//'>Truncatise</a>.<br/><br/>This didn't go as smoothly as I hoped."
Today I finally got around to modifying my [Ghost]( blog to make use of my new Node Module [Truncatise](/2013-10-29-publishing-my-first-npm-module/).
This didn't go as smoothly as I hoped.
First, I discovered a [bug](// in my module. It was incorrectly handling the combination of `<p>` tags with double newlines when truncating to paragraphs.
To resolve this I needed to determine whether or not to use double newline to indicate a paragraph. This was done by ignoring any newlines between paragraph tags and better regular expression matching.
I also noticed an issue with the suffix, e.g. &hellip;, when used with `<p>` tags, it was rending after the and of the tag and thus display on a new line. _Whoops!_ Not what is expected. A quick little replace when not stripping HTML solved this.
So, finally I published version 0.0.2 of [Truncatise](// to the NPM repository (as well as [GitHub](//
As I was now happy that the issues were resolved, I made progress on modifying the Ghost helper source code to use Truncatise instead of [downsize](//
#### Original:
<pre><code class="javascript">
coreHelpers.excerpt = function (options) {
var truncateOptions = (options || {}).hash || {},
truncateOptions = _.pick(truncateOptions, ['words', 'characters']);
/*jslint regexp:true */
excerpt = String(this.html).replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, '');
excerpt = excerpt.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)+/gm, ' ');
/*jslint regexp:false */
if (!truncateOptions.words && !truncateOptions.characters) {
truncateOptions.words = 50;
return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(
downsize(excerpt, truncateOptions)
#### My Version:
<pre><code class="javascript">
coreHelpers.excerpt = function (options) {
var truncateOptions = (options || {}).hash || {TruncateLength: 2, TruncateBy : "paragraphs", StripHTML : false, Suffix : '...'},
truncateOptions = _.pick(truncateOptions, ['TruncateBy', 'TruncateLength', 'StripHTML', 'Strict', 'Suffix']);
excerpt = String(this.html);
//Set default values
if (!truncateOptions.TruncateLength) {
truncateOptions.TruncateLength = 2;
if (!truncateOptions.TruncateBy) {
truncateOptions.TruncateBy = "paragraphs";
if (!truncateOptions.StripHTML) {
truncateOptions.StripHTML = false;
if (!truncateOptions.Suffix) {
truncateOptions.Suffix = "&hellip;";
return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(
truncatise(excerpt, truncateOptions)
My changes have been pushed to my [fork of Ghost](// if anyone wishes to make use of it.
## On Updating Ghost
I got into a bit of a mess when trying to update my copy of Ghost with the latest changes, mainly due to my carelessness. So I don't get into the same situation in the future, and to prevent others making my mistakes, here are my little tips to bare in mind:
1. Back up the `./content/data/` directory before doing anything!
2. If needed also backup your `./content/themes/` directory.
3. Copy across the new `./core`, `packages.json`, `index.js` and `Gruntfile.js`
4. `npm install -g grunt-cli`
5. `npm install --production`
6. `grunt init prod`
> If you get errors relating to sqlite3&hellip;
Run `npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source=sqlite3`
# Update:
I have since moved away from Ghost and now using Jekyll